Supporting the well-being of employees and their families is important to Phillips 66. Fitness Services provides onsite Wellness Centers in Houston and Bartlesville as well as health and fitness resources, education and engagement opportunities. Fitness Services amenities are available to employees, retirees and their eligible dependents. Visit the Houston and Bartlesville tabs to learn more about the services available and membership eligibility.
Fitness Services is committed to our company values and each member is expected to abide by these values when utilizing the Wellness Centers. Watch this video from Kevin Mitchell, EVP, Finance and Chief Financial Officer, about the importance of sweating with respect.
Wellness Centers
Houston Wellness Center
The Houston Wellness Center is a 25,000 square foot facility located in the new Phillips 66 Houston Headquarters building.

Bartlesville Wellness Center
The Bartlesville Wellness Center prides ourselves on being able to offer a variety of services and areas where you can focus on becoming a healthier, happier person.